30 minute massage $60

40 minute breast or intraoral massage $70

60 minute massage $90

75 minutes $110

90 minute massage $130

120 minute massage $170

Service Menu

Treatment massage: addresses pain, stiffness, numbness, and headaches. 

Maintenance massage: keep your body working and feeling good, prevent pain and other dysfunction.

Intra-oral massage: helps jaw pain, clenching, popping,  grinding, ear aches, nerve pain, and headaches by working inside the mouth with gloves and on the head and neck. May be a stand alone service, or integrated into full body massage.

Breast massage: can be helpful for breast pain, swollen breasts, clogged ducts, scar tissue, posture and respiration issues. Breast massage can be performed skin to skin, through a shirt, or over a drape. May be a stand alone service or integrated into a full body massage.